Oct 29

TTI Partners completed delivery of six TACTICS Dynamic to VETH Automotive

Duiven – TTI Partners has delivered six TACTICS Dynamic to VETH Automotive, intended for the Provence of Gelderland. The traffic information systems needs to contribute to a safe work environment for traffic inspectors and extend the road safety.

The TACTIC Dynamic, a Dynamic Route Information Panel (DRIP) from TTI Partners, is exceptionally suited for traffic inspectors and road authorities. Because of the unique design, the TACTIC is able to rotate 45° to the left and right. When the vehicle is located in a Fend-Off position, road users can be informed clear and correctly. The combination with the 360° optical signalling makes the TACTIC visible at any time.

The traffic information system, which is mounted on the roof, has got the advantage of saving space at the load compartment. The system can be used by the special developed TACTIC app, which included preïnstalled images and texts on request from the end customer. A changing traffic situation can be handled fast, clear and accessible.